Dr Anna Nürnberger
Director of Research, Research Supervisor, Lecturer in Biblical Studies
Research areas: New Testament, Early Christianity, Biblical Theology, Educational Theology
Anna was born in Germany and grew up in Nuremberg, as her last name coincidentally suggests. She studied in various disciplines including Theology, Philosophy, Psychology, English Linguistics, Anglophone Literature and Geography at Erlangen University and Augsburg University, both in Germany, and at Flinders University and the Adelaide College of Divinity in South Australia. Prior to commencing her PhD, Anna taught Lutheran Religious Education and English as a Foreign Language at various secondary schools in Bavaria, Germany. She has also worked as a Research Assistant and Lecturer at Hamburg University. Anna completed her doctorate in 2017, writing a thesis on doubt and other types of intrapersonal dissonance in antiquity.
In 2020 Anna joined ALC as the Postdoctoral Research Associate and LTJ Editorial Assistant. She was appointed Director of Research and LTJ Co-Editor in early 2022. Anna is accredited by the University of Divinity to deliver units in the disciplines of Old Testament, New Testament, Biblical Studies, Biblical Languages, Education Studies and Religious Education at all levels. She is also accredited to be a supervisor for a higher degree by research thesis.
Research supervision
Research areas: New Testament, Early Christianity, Biblical Theology, Educational Theology
See also Researcher Curriculum Vitae: Anna Nürnberger
Qualifications in detail
- First State Examination (Teaching degree) for Academic Secondary Schools ('Gymnasium') in Bavaria, Germany Part I: Educational Sciences (School Psychology and School Pedagogy) (University of Augsburg, Germany, 2006)
- First State Examination (Teaching degree) for Academic Secondary Schools ('Gymnasium') in Bavaria, Germany Part II: Subjects: English and Theology (Lutheran) (University of Augsburg, Germany, 2007)
- Second State Examination (Teaching degree) for Academic Secondary Schools ('Gymnasium') in Bavaria, Germany
- Government Accreditation/Certification as a Secondary School Teacher (Germany) ('Lehramtsassessorin'), 2009
- Doctor of Philosophy (University of Augsburg, Germany, 2017)
- Latinum (Willstätter-Gymnasium, Nuremberg, 2000)
- Graecum (University of Augsburg, 2002)
- Hebraicum (Augustana-Hochschule, Neuendettelsau, 2011)
Papers and publications
See also Researcher Curriculum Vitae: Anna Nürnberger
Zweifelskonzepte im Frühchristentum: Dipsychia und Oligopistia im Rahmen menschlicher Dissonanz- und Einheitsvorstellungen in der Antike. NTOA 122. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Articles and contributions to books
‘Die ambivalente Seele: Philos Psychologisierung interpersonaler biblischer Konfliktgeschichten.‘ In Spannungsfelder von Emotionen in biblischen Texten und ihrer Rezeption, ed. Judith E. Filitz and Petra von Gemünden. NTOA/StUNT. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. (in press)
‘Ursache und Bewältigung intrapersonaler religiöser Konflikte im Vierten Makkabäerbuch und bei Philo von Alexandrien.‘ In Gefühlstiefen: Einblicke in die theologische Emotionsforschung. Festschrift für Petra von Gemünden, ed. Judith E. Filitz, Theresa Ullmann and Sabine Schröder-Fartash. BThSt 196. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. (in press)
‘Religiöse Dissonanzerfahrungen: Biblische und psychologische Perspektiven,‘ Resonanzen: Gerd Theißen zum 80. Geburtstag, ed. Petra von Gemünden, Annette Merz and Helmut Schwier. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 24–29.
‘Assessing the usefulness of the psychological perspective on coping for the exploration of divine trials as religious struggles in Sirach 2.’ In When Psychology Meets the Bible, edited by Heather A. McKay and Pieter van der Zwan. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 162–193.
‘Biblical and Reformation-time perspectives on women’s public preaching.’ In Unless They are Sent: Affirming the Ordination of Women in the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand, edited by Tanya Wittwer, 46–55. Mile End, SA: MediaCom Education.
‘Female ordination: biblical, confessional and hermeneutical perspectives,’ Lutheran Theological Journal 56, no. 3 (Dec 2022): 155–167.
‘Student agency through the Lutheran lens.’ Lutheran Theological Journal Supplement, no. 1 (May): 9–20.
'The Lutheran Theological Journal—a survey of its history and current readership.' Lutheran Theological Journal 54, no. 1 (May 2020): 4–15.
Since 2019; for a more complete list of Dr Nürnberger’s presentations see Researcher Curriculum Vitae: Anna Nürnberger
‘Emotions and the rhetoric of clothing in Col 3:1–17 and Paul’s letters’, Festival of Learning, Australian Lutheran College, 21 February 2023.
‘Trajectories of “Doubt” in Early Christianity and Early Christian Studies.’ New Trajectories in Australian Research on Late Antiquity and Early Christian Studies, Australian Catholic University: Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry, Melbourne, 20 April.
‘Coping with Moral Conflict and Doubt in Early Judaism: 4 Maccabees and Philo of Alexandria as Case Studies.’ Parkville Plus Research Seminar, Australian Lutheran College, Adelaide, 11 April.
‘Coping with Intrapersonal Religious Struggles in Early Judaism: Moral Conflict and Doubt in 4 Maccabees and Philo of Alexandria.’ Studies in Second Temple Judaism: A Global Enterprise, an international online conference (January 10-13, 2022), 11 January.
‘Coping with Religious Struggles in the Book of Ben Sira: A Psychological Perspective.‘ Paper presented at a Research Seminar, Australian Lutheran College, Adelaide, 27 September.
'Dipsychia and Oligopistia as Concepts of Doubt in Early Christianity and the Development of Ideas on Intrapersonal Dissonance in Biblical Tradition.' Paper presented at the Joint Research Seminar, Australian Lutheran College, Adelaide, 19 August.
'Coping with Doubt and Dissonance in the Biblical Tradition: A Contribution to Historical Psychology.' Paper presented at the Research Hour, Uniting College/Adelaide College of Divinity, 7 November.