Library no longer accepting donations of second-hand books
While the Library has received donations of second-hand books over the years, it is no longer able to accept these donations.
This is not a decision made lightly and is not a reflection on the intent of the person donating, nor of the quality of books donated.
Some, but not all, of the reasons are:
- We are overstocked with donated books that are difficult to move, as fewer and fewer library patrons, students and visitors are buying them or collecting them.
- Pastoral and lay students tend to not use older books as much as previously due to being able to access new studies, updated books and e-resources.
- Our physical storage at ALC Library for donations is at capacity and we do not have the room to receive more items.
- Library staff have less available work time to sift through donations, as it is a time-consuming process to check books against our collection and determine where they go.
If anyone would like to donate books, some options include:
- Oxfam bookshop (Adelaide) Hutt Street
- Your local church where there may be members interested in Christian books (check with your pastor or office staff)
- Other charitable stores that receive books (you will need to check your local area).