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Bachelor of Counselling

Abbreviation: BCouns Accredited through UD

The Bachelor of Counselling is a 3-year full time program which can also be studied part time. The course is delivered in 4 x 8 week study periods across the year.

All Bachelor of Counselling units use blended learning, to enable flexibility around work/life commitments.
While all units utilise online learning materials, depending upon the purpose of a unit there will either be weekly online seminars or a 2 day face-to-face intensive.

Learning materials: These are a sequence of modules containing core ideas, readings, demonstrations, reflections, and/or activities. All learning materials are available online 24/7 during the unit.

Online Seminars (compulsory): Are delivered in a conversational manner by experts to augment your weekly modules. They are scheduled outside normal working hours to permit flexibility.

Intensives (compulsory): Being in-person, intensives have an experiential focus and are a great way to build community with your fellow classmates. Note that all intensives are held in Melbourne.

For details of the Bachelor of Counselling course, including units, click here.

For details of enrolment periods, the academic calendar, scheduling, census dates, and a description of how you progress through the course, click here.