Library collection overview
The complete collection of the ALC Library comprises approximately 94,000 books and 14,000 bound volumes of periodicals. The library subscribes to current periodicals and there is also a small collection of media items. You can access eBooks directly through the library catalogue.
- Main collection
- Reserve collection
- 7-day loan collection
- Periodicals and e-journal collections
- Christian Studies collection
- Rare book collection
- Media collection
- Maps and posters
- Storage
Read the Collection Management policy.
Main collection
The Main collection is located on both floors and is shelved according to the Pettee call number. Call numbers from A to G are located on the ground floor.
Items may be borrowed for four weeks, unless they belong to the 7-day loan collection (postgraduate and off campus students have extended loans—see Use policy).
The collection is strong in the following subject areas: Biblical Studies (both Old and New Testament), Church History, Systematic Theology, Pastoral Theology, Liturgics and Education. The collection is of research quality in the areas of New Testament, Luther Studies, and Reformation Theology, in particular Lutheran Confessional Theology. Significant also are holdings relating to the study of Education which have been built up in support of Masters courses.
Reserve collection
A small collection of texts is available for 4 hour loans or overnight from 1pm.
7-day loans
High use material on short term loan (identified with red spots on the spine).
Periodicals and e-journal collections
The library holds extended runs of hard copy journals in the same subject areas as the monograph collection. A growing number of titles are able to be accessed as e-journals and additional items are available through online full text databases. (See UD Library Hub)
Christian Studies collection
This collection is located on the ground floor and is shelved according to the Dewey call number. The collection supports students preparing to teach Christian Studies in Lutheran schools and can also be borrowed by teachers in Lutheran schools.
Rare book collection
One of the features of the library is the Rare Book collection, which includes a large collection of German rare books (about 1400). The oldest book is a 1521 edition of St Ambrose ‘Concerning Priestly Worthiness’ bound together with a 1523 edition of St Isidore ‘Concerning Ecclesiastical Offices’.
There is also a 1522 edition of Erasmus' translation of the Epistles of Paul. Of exceptional beauty is a hand-painted pictorial Bible, translated by Martin Luther and published by Hans Lufft in 1550.
Media collection
There is a growing collection of media items, including CDs, DVDs, CD-ROMs and multimedia kits. Some of these are loan items and others are part of the Reference collection. They include an indexed set of the Australian Lutheran on CD-ROM, recordings of lectures and dramatised readings of the Bible on MP3CD. The Media collection is supplemented by a number of Online databases. (See UD Library Hub)
Maps and posters
Maps and posters are listed in the catalogue. If you wish to borrow, enquire at the front desk.
Some items are shelved in storage, either in compactus storage or in other closed areas. Please ask staff if you require items from these collections.