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Exploring facets of Lutheran education

Showcased manuscripts from the Lutheran Theological Journal Supplement no. 1 (May 2021), exploring facets of Lutheran education and how Lutheran theology informs all dimensions within this area of ministry. These are not position or policy papers but instead provide an opportunity to stimulate further fruitful and respectful discussions.​

Author Title Page
Lisa Schmidt Guest editorial 2
Andrew Jaensch Nice Lutheran schools? Glory or cross in the education marketplace 4
Anna Nürnberger Student agency through the Lutheran lens 9
Kerrin Huth Competing interests and the inclusion of children with complex needs 21
Dianne Eckermann Bringing love to life: the inclusion of transgender students in Lutheran schools 28
Stephen Haar Supporting same-sex attracted students in Lutheran middle and secondary schools 35
Tim Jarick Positive psychology—flourishing within a Lutheran school? 47
Lutheran Education Australia Science and theology within Lutheran school communities 56
Shane Paterson The lens of Lutheran theology on managing teacher underperformance 70