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Special Circumstances Grant application form

See ALC scholarships to see available scholarship and the eligibility conditions. Submit your application by the closing date. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered, except by prior arrangement.

For further information email

Your application

Personal details

Citizenship/residency status (required)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background (required)
Student type

Course details

Financial Details

Do you receive a means tested Commonwealth income support payment (i.e. Austudy, Youth Allowance, ABSTUDY etc.)?
Please tick the relevant box and detail the gross amount you receive per fortnight
Are you currently a recipient of any other scholarship to assist with your university expenses or living costs?
Please select the option that best describes your situation

Document upload

Please upload the documents indicated in the criteria for your selected scholarship/grant. You will need to combine documents into a single file if you have multiple files in any area. Applications that do not include the required documentation will not be processed.

Personal Statement (all applicants)

Please include a personal statement no more than 500 words   as per the terms of reference . You should also briefly outline any extenuating personal or financial circumstances which you feel should be taken into consideration when assessing your application.


Student Declaration

Privacy and Confidentiality Statement

ALC will not disclose any information supplied in this Application Form without written consent of the applicant below. The information supplied will only be used for the selection process of the scholarship(s). See the ALC Privacy Policy.