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Changeover of ALC Board now official

Following appointments made by the LCANZ General Church Board late last year, ALC's new Board was officially constituted by Bishop Paul Smith on 16 February. New members include Ms Jane Mueller who was elected as Secretary for a 12 month term, Ms Ilene Thiel, Rev Matthew Thiele and Rev Dr Stephen Haar.

Continuing their service for another Synodical term are Mr Andrew Long (Chair appointed by GCB), Mr Mark Hughes, Mr David Goedecke and Rev Paul Smith (who holds an ex-officio position on the Board as LCA Bishop).

The Board, who serve voluntarily, are both members of the Board and Directors of Australian Lutheran College Ltd.

The ALC community extends its thanks to the following members/directors, who have now concluded their service: Mrs Cheryl Bartel, Rev Greg Pietsch, Ms Sharryn Cook and Rev Peter Miller. Special thanks to Cheryl, who as Chair of the Board during 2022, 2023 and much of 2024, was instrumental in leading the College through some particularly challenging times. Her unwavering commitment and dedication to ALC is to be commended.