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Find a supervisor

Researchers listed below are qualified to supervise at all levels from Minor Thesis to research Masters to PhD, unless otherwise indicated. Note that the research area Theology includes Lutheran theology.

You are not restricted to the supervisors listed below. Contact ALC Research to discuss finding a supervisor from another University of Divinity college or another university or theological college in Australia or overseas.

Dr Chris de Wet

BTheol(Hons) BA (Hons) MA DLit PhD
Honorary Research Fellow

Research areas: New Testament, Apocrypha, Early Christianity, Late Antiquity

Location South Africa

Dr Michelle Eastwood

BA GradDipEd(Sec) MEd MA(Theol) PhD
Director of Research

In her role as Director of Research, Michelle is responsible for supporting higher degrees by research at ALC and working with LCANZ agencies to develop and carry out specific research projects.

Research areas: Gender and Sexuality, Psalms, Shame, Feminist Theologies

Dr Stephen Haar

BTheol BA(Hons) PhD GradDipEd CertIVTAE DD(hon)
Vice Principal, Senior Lecturer in Theology, Course Advisor

In 2007 Stephen commenced at ALC as Lecturer in New Testament and Pastoral Studies. From 2008 to 2021 he held a senior leadership position as Dean. He continues to serve as Vice Principal (2010–) and senior lecturer.

Research areas: New Testament Backgrounds, Historical Jesus, Synoptic Gospels and Acts, Human Sexuality, Ecology, Theological Education, Integrative Learning

Location ALC North Adelaide

Dr Stephen Hultgren

Senior Lecturer in New Testament, Coordinator of Biblical Studies

Stephen is Senior Lecturer in New Testament at ALC and teaches across the New Testament field and koine Greek. His research and scholarly writings focus on the formation of the gospel tradition (especially narrativity and memory in the gospels), ancient Judaism (especially the Dead Sea Scrolls), and Pauline theology. He also has interests in hermeneutics, biblical theology, and the doctrine of Scripture.

Research areas: New Testament, Biblical Theology

Location ALC North Adelaide

Professor Wendy Mayer

BA BA(Hons) PhD
Emeritus Professor, University of Divinity

Wendy is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and known internationally for her research on early Christian preaching and the life and works of the eastern church father and preacher John Chrysostom. Her research currently embraces two additional strands: the reception of Greek medicine in Christian thought in Late Antiquity; and the root causes of religious conflict and radicalisation in both past and present.

Research areas: Early Christianity, Late Antiquity, Homiletics, Liturgy, Sociology/Psychology of Religion, Church History

Dr Anna Nürnberger

BA+MA [equiv.] PhD
Director of Research, Research Supervisor, Lecturer in Biblical Studies

Anna is Director of Research at ALC, responsible for ensuring the excellence and quality of research at the College. She is also Lutheran Theological Journal Co-Editor and serves as Lecturer in Biblical Studies.

Research areas: New Testament, Early Christianity, Biblical Theology, Educational Theology

Location ALC North Adelaide

Dr Merryn Ruwoldt

BA GradDipEd(Sec) GradDipTh(Ed) GradDipBus(Acc) MEdSt EdD GradCertEd(HighEd) CertIVTAE
Dean, Lecturer in Education, Coordinator of Education Studies

Merryn teaches units in the programs for pre-service and in-service teachers and is the Dean of the College.

Research areas: Education, Educational Theology (Minor Thesis only)

Location ALC North Adelaide

Dr Lisa Schmidt

BSc(Hons) GradCertEd(Higher Ed) PhD
Executive Director, Lutheran Education Australia; Associate Professor, Flinders University

Research areas: Education

Dr Eric Trozzo

BA MDiv MTheol MPhil PhD
Honorary Research Associate

Research areas: Systematic Theology, Philosophical Theology, Cross-cultural theology

Location Malaysia

Dr Mark Worthing

BA MDiv STM DrPhil DrTheol
Honorary Research Fellow

Research areas: Systematic Theology, Reformation History, Theology and Science, Cultural Studies

Location North Adelaide