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Midlife Masters Stage 1 Application

There are three application stages in the Midlife Masters.

Stage 1: Initial expression of interest (which includes an extended piece reflective writing) which signals academic capacity and potential suitability for the ordained ministry.

Stage 2: Application to be admitted and enrolled as a student at ALC (University of Divinity)

Stage 3: The LCA ordination candidate selection process


For further information email

This is your Stage 1 application

Suitable applicants will be invited to proceed to Stage 2.

Personal details (required)

Citizenship/residency status
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background

Church involvement


Please provide the name and contact email addresses for the three referees you have contacted to provide your references.

Referee 1: Partner or adult child (or closest equivalent where necessary)

Referee 2: Pastor

Referee 3: Congregation member (please choose someone with a past or present leadership role who can comment as a critical friend)

Academic capacity

Do you anticipate engaging in the academic requirements of this program at undergraduate or postgraduate level?

Please list your current qualifications

The Midlife masters application writing piece

Please upload a response to the following:

Describe your strengths and primary areas for growth. Reflect on the ways in which they might impact on your suitability for the ordained ministry and your practice of it.

Submit a polished piece of writing of no more than 2000 words which does not use any generative AI.

Applicant Declaration

Privacy and Confidentiality Statement

ALC will not disclose any information supplied in this Application Form without consent of the applicant below. The information supplied will only be used for the selection process of the Midlife Masters Program. See the ALC Privacy Policy.