Dr Dan Mueller
Casual Academic
Rev Dr Dan Mueller is a pastor, currently serving as Lead Pastor with Immanuel Lutheran Church on the Sunshine Coast (QLD). He has studied a Masters of Missional Leadership through Melbourne School of Theology (MST), conducting a research project titled ‘Metaphors for “church” and “mission” in the Lutheran Church of Australia.’ He completed a Bachelor of Theology/Bachelor of Ministry at Australian Lutheran College (ALC) in 2016.
Prior to theological studies, Dan worked as a research scientist and software engineer, mostly in the specialist field of medical imaging. He holds Bachelor and Doctoral qualifications in computer science from Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Dan has worked and lived abroad in Europe, worked with and led small project teams, and has written numerous academic-level publications.
He is married and has three young children. Dan’s research interests are wide and varied, including metaphors and the philosophy of language, missiology, apologetics, and systematic theology.
Teaching areas
Apologetics and World Religions
Qualifications in detail
- Bachelor of Engineering (First Class Honours) with Bachelor of Information Technology (Distinction) (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 2003)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 2007)
- Thesis title: ‘Direct volume illustration for cardiac applications’ https://eprints.qut.edu.au/17028
- Bachelor of Theology/Bachelor of Ministry (Australian Lutheran College, Adelaide, 2016)
- University of Divinity Vice Chancellor’s Scholar award for 2016
- Master of Missional Leadership (Melbourne School of Theology, Victoria, to be completed in June 2023)
- Ordained 4 December 2016, St Paul, Blair Athol, SA
Papers and publications
‘God is a farmer — a missional reading of agricultural metaphors in Scripture.’ Lutheran Theological Journal 54, no. 3 (December): 169–180.
‘Be strong and courageous: A missional reading of Joshua 1:1–11.’ LCAQD Pastors Conference, June 2022. https://bit.ly/missional-reading-joshua