ALC Staff
BTheol BA(Hons) PhD GradDipEd CertIVTAE DD(hon)
Vice Principal, Senior Lecturer in Theology, Course Advisor
In 2007 Stephen commenced at ALC as Lecturer in New Testament and Pastoral Studies. From 2008 to 2021 he held a senior leadership position as Dean. He continues to serve as Vice Principal (2010–) and senior lecturer.
Research areas: New Testament Backgrounds, Historical Jesus, Synoptic Gospels and Acts, Human Sexuality, Ecology, Theological Education, Integrative Learning
Senior Lecturer in New Testament, Coordinator of Biblical Studies
Stephen is Senior Lecturer in New Testament at ALC and teaches across the New Testament field and koine Greek. His research and scholarly writings focus on the formation of the gospel tradition (especially narrativity and memory in the gospels), ancient Judaism (especially the Dead Sea Scrolls), and Pauline theology. He also has interests in hermeneutics, biblical theology, and the doctrine of Scripture.
Research areas: New Testament, Biblical Theology
BMusHons PGDipLIS MAppSc(Lib&InfoMgt) MBA
Director of Library Services
Shaun oversees all library management and policy issues and ensures the continued provision of efficient services. He also liaises with faculty on the selection and sourcing of resources.
Emeritus Lecturer
Dr Maurice Schild taught at ALC from 1970 to 2000 in the area of Church history, retiring from full-time teaching in December 2000. The November 2000 edition of the Lutheran Theological Journal (LTJ 34, no. 3) contained an editorial tribute and articles written in his honour.
BSc(Hons) GradCertEd(Higher Ed) PhD
Executive Director, Lutheran Education Australia; Associate Professor, Flinders University
Research areas: Education
Emeritus Lecturer
Jeff served as a lecturer in Lutheran theology and ethics from 1996 until his retirement at the end of 2016. After retirement he continued to serve the Lutheran Church of Australia as the chair of the Commission on Theology and Inter-Church Relations (CTICR) until the end of 2018 at which time he also retired as co-chair of the Lutheran–Uniting Church Dialogue. He remains a member of the Lutheran–Orthodox International Joint Commission.
BTh/BMin DMin
Casual Academic
Sue is an experienced pastoral and spiritual care practitioner, CPE supervisor/educator and musician. She has just taken up a call as Pastoral Associate – Child, Youth and Family Ministry at St Paul’s Box Hill.